2000 – Catálogo de maquinaria

Catálogo de maquinaria


This book originated from the notes I took during the workshop The size of the frame (seen from the passepartout) held at Arteleku in the summer of 1992. I finished writing it just as I began my second workshop at the same centre, in the summer of 1997, under the title "The face in the domain of representation (undefinition between men and machines, between reality and representation)".
Of all the presences in the text, Lyotard's is sometimes so obvious that I have omitted his name. Although most of the issues discussed no longer have a direct connection with Bataille's texts, they all rest on The Theory of Religion. The general information on motors comes from Arias Paz's book. The information on transformers comes from the magnificent article by John W. Coltman in Nicolás García Tapia's selection for the popularisation book Historia de la técnica by Prensa Científica S.A.
The writing was enriched by discussions with Cecilia Andersson, Marko Daniel, Stephen Gingerich and Pedro Pertejo. Special thanks to José Díaz-Cuyás, Menchu Gutiérrez, Charo Hernando and Aurelio Vicente, who worked with the beta versions, and pointed out the bugs they found.